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(9 classifications) (5 resources)

Ecological Core Concepts

Discipline Specific Core Concepts Classifications
Applied ecology (115)
Communities (99)
Ecosystems (86)
Human impacts (247)
Individuals (49)
Interspecific interactions (86)
Landscapes and larger scales (43)
Populations (131)
The science of ecology (71)

View Resource Literature circles as active learning packets for use in the natural sciences: Transforming traditional supplemental instruction into guided study

At Paul Smith's College, we have worked to transform the model of weekly SI (supplemental instruction) into GSG (Guided Study) for General Ecology (Bio 210). We modified literature circle worksheets based off of the work of Harvey Daniels to be used in the natural sciences. We then created a step-by-step instructional framework to implement literature circles in the natural sciences. This...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource To Plant, or Not to Plant? Regulating Invasive Plant Species in the Mid-Atlantic States: A Social-Ecological System Case Study

As invasive plant species spread across landscapes, costs of their economic and environmental impacts have sparked interest in regulating their sale and transport. Laws now prohibit the sale and movement of some species. State and local governments are drafting regulations that will affect horticulture, plant nurseries, and options for landscape design. Awareness of invasive plant species is...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource The nose knows: How tri-trophic interactions and natural history shape bird foraging behavior

This dataset is designed for first-year biology students, but can be altered for upper-level students. After receiving sufficient background on the biology of King penguins, students must make hypotheses regarding the penguins sensitivity to an odor known to be associated with the primary productivity of the ocean. Students are given multiple data sets and need to analyze the data using a...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Tree Tender Supplemental Teaching Bundle

The short film Tree Tender (2016) follows a young woman, Gaia, becoming the newest Tree Tender, learning about the Tree of Life, the connections between all organisms on the Tree, the importance of understanding these connections, and the human-caused mass extinction currently occurring. Note: Please read 01 Tree Tender Curriculum Bundle.pdf first. Each of these major concepts are...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Transforming Ecology Courses to 4D

This brochure describes how to evaluate courses for ecology and biology majors in alignment with the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework and provides guidelines for transforming majors’ courses into the comprehensive, real world problem-solving approach needed to train current and future environmental professionals.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library