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Vision & Change (for higher education) -- Structure and Function

View Resource Video of the Gram Stain Procedure for Biology Laboratory

This video shows the procedure for conducting the Gram stain. Step-by-step instructions and comparisons of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are provided to show viewers how to conduct the protocol.


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Case Study on Mark and Recapture

Estimating the population size of animals is an important task for wildlife biologists, who can use the data to assess the health of a population. It requires diligent observation skills coupled with the ability to use empirical models that effectively determine the number of animals based on field surveys. The most common method for estimating the population size of animals is mark and recapture....


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Tree Tender Supplemental Teaching Bundle

The short film Tree Tender (2016) follows a young woman, Gaia, becoming the newest Tree Tender, learning about the Tree of Life, the connections between all organisms on the Tree, the importance of understanding these connections, and the human-caused mass extinction currently occurring. Note: Please read 01 Tree Tender Curriculum Bundle.pdf first. Each of these major concepts are...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Resources to Help You to Prepare a Course in Plant Diversity

The extensive (2.4 gig) resources available on OSF (see link) are intended to help young faculty members develop a course on plant diversity. They can be used in whole or in part to jump start a course. They include both lecture and laboratory materials, as well as homework, quizzes, and exams. These materials were developed over the course of more than 15 years and have been extensively tested in...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Climate, Weather and Anthropogenic Activity

This module presents a science-based story to demonstrate how climate determines the global, long-term, large-scale distribution of living organisms; whereas, weather determines the local, short-term, small-scale ecology of living organisms. Life thrives within specific, often narrow ranges of temperature and precipitation – two main players in climate and weather. Using a systems-based approach,...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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