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We welcome contributions to our growing number of resources for middle and high school audiences that align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

You will be able to share images, syllabi, labs, lectures, figures, videos, classroom activities and data sets in LifeDiscoveryEdDL. We're here to assist you to submit your resource.

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New Resources
View Resource How do Lake Ecosystems Change with Increases in Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) and Reduced Water Clarity? Long-term investigations in lake ecology

Water quality is a significant issue affecting our lakes. While the effects of nutrients on water quality has received much attention, light availability also has strong effects on water quality in lake ecosystems. Light availability has been changing in many lakes with changes in water clarity. Many lakes are undergoing “browning”, where waters become darker and less transparent due to increases...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource A 4DEE Introduction to wetlands: Basic principles, online mapping, and field identification

This lesson focuses on basic principles and identification of wetlands, which are valuable and productive ecosystems in the landscape. It consists of two files that complement each other. This first is a Powerpoint presentation that provides basic principles about wetlands. The second is a set instructions for a laboratory in which students learn how to locate wetlands using online mapping,...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource A Natural Process: Fostering Critical Thinking Through an Ecological Allegory

This exercise develops critical thinking and reading comprehension in an undergraduate ecology course. Students read and discuss an ecologically-based fictional narrative A Natural Process that promotes a critical analysis of the societal context of decision-making and interpretation of observations. The exercise aligns with Vision and Change’s Core Competency #5 Ability to Communicate and...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Year to year variability in survivorship for the summer annual Erucastrum gallicum

This figure shows survivorship curves for spring cohorts of the summer annual plant Erucastrum gallicum (Brassicaceae) growing in the Jamesville Quarry, Syracuse, NY. It shows how survivorship varies markedly from year to year, due mainly to variability in rainfall. Survivorship approximated a Deevey Type I function in 1976, a year with abundant rain. Survivorship followed a Type III pattern in...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Catching ANOVA through mosquitoes

This activity is designed to show students how to perform an ANOVA using RStudio. To integrate the lesson plan with course content in an undergraduate ecology lecture course, students read an accessible scientific article (Chase & Knight 2003) that explores interaction between abiotic (climate and habitat permanence) and biotic (competition & predation) environmental conditions on the population...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library