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We welcome contributions to our growing number of resources for middle and high school audiences that align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

You will be able to share images, syllabi, labs, lectures, figures, videos, classroom activities and data sets in LifeDiscoveryEdDL. We're here to assist you to submit your resource.

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New Resources
View Resource Understanding Causes of Reservoir Water Quality Deterioration Using Socio-environmental Synthesis Approach

In this seven-week module, students explore the focal question: what are the major socio-environmental and biophysical factors causing deterioration of water quality in the Liberty Reservoir (primary source of drinking water for Baltimore). Students first generate a list of what they would need to know to answer the focal question and then produce pre-systems map in their assigned ‘exper...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Video of the Gram Stain Procedure for Biology Laboratory

This video shows the procedure for conducting the Gram stain. Step-by-step instructions and comparisons of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are provided to show viewers how to conduct the protocol.


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of plant quality on caterpillar performance

Fertilizers are commonly applied to plants in both agricultural and ornamental settings and these fertilizers can affect insect herbivores. Beet armyworms, Spodoptera exigua, are phytophagous insects that are easy to rear in the lab. In this exercise, students design an experiment that manipulates plant quality via fertilizer application and then measure the effect of fertilization on caterpillar...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Kids Into Discovering Science: A Framework for Place-Based, Hands-On Ecology

The Kids Into Discovering Science (KiDS) curriculum, designed for 5th grade students, includes 10 classroom lesson plans and one field trip lesson plan centered on a plant science experiment. Over 10 lessons and a field day, students practice observation, set up and monitor an experiment, analyze and present their data, and learn about plant ecology, soil ecology, habitats, and their local...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library
PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Life Cycle Assessment of Biofuels 101

When selecting alternative fuels, it is important to consider the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. This activity asks students to begin to consider the life cycle energy and carbon dioxide emission costs of gasoline, corn ethanol, and cellulosic ethanol. The various pieces help students trace energy and matter through a complex system and begin to critically analyze graphical...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library