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We welcome contributions to our growing number of resources for middle and high school audiences that align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

You will be able to share images, syllabi, labs, lectures, figures, videos, classroom activities and data sets in LifeDiscoveryEdDL. We're here to assist you to submit your resource.

To submit a resource. You will need to select one of the three participating portals to initiate the review process:

EcoEd Digital Library

PlantEd Digital Library

EvoEd Digital Library

New Resources
View Resource Exploring Energy Transformations in Plants

The ability to explain the processes by which plants capture, store and use energy for growth and development is fundamental to understanding bioenergy. In this set of lessons, students investigate how plants harness and use different sources of energy during germination and growth. Students ask questions and make predictions about the sources of energy that plants use. They then plan and carry...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource A Tree-Thinking Video To Teach Fundamentals Of Phylogenetic Analysis In A Flipped Laboratory Or Lecture

Phylogenetic or evolutionary trees are diagrams that are used extensively in their traditional realms of systematics and taxonomy, but have also become more common throughout biology in research ranging from conservation to epidemiology. Phylogenetic trees contain a wealth of information about the patterns of evolutionary diversification and relationships within and among different kinds...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Hacking Scrabble®: A Novel Activity for Teaching Sampling Principles and Species Accumulation Curves

Lab exercise to teach principles of sampling and developing species accumulation curves, using the game pieces from a Scrabble® board game.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Simulation Games for Animal Behavior: Exploring Tradeoffs of Group Living in Lions

This game is one of three submitted for use in an upper level course that focuses on animal behavior. The games are paired with a published article from the primary literature, and students should read and prepare to both discuss the article and explore the hypotheses on which the studies have been based. This active learning helps to engage students in the course material and especially to see...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource The Cow Diversity Project: introducing undergraduates to molecular population genetics

This is a multi-week laboratory exercise that involves sequencing a pair of mitochondrial genes in cows. Using data from several samples, students calculate diversity (variation within species) and divergence (variation between species). The exercise reinforces principles in molecular genetics (DNA purification, PCR, etc.) and introduces principles in molecular population genetics. We provide...


Publisher: EvoEd Digital Library