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We welcome contributions to our growing number of resources for middle and high school audiences that align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

You will be able to share images, syllabi, labs, lectures, figures, videos, classroom activities and data sets in LifeDiscoveryEdDL. We're here to assist you to submit your resource.

To submit a resource. You will need to select one of the three participating portals to initiate the review process:

EcoEd Digital Library

PlantEd Digital Library

EvoEd Digital Library

New Resources
View Resource Simulation Games for Animal Behavior: Exploring Tradeoffs of Foraging and Vigilance

This game is one of three submitted for use in an upper level course that focuses on animal behavior. The games are paired with a published article from the primary literature, and students should read and prepare to both discuss the article and explore the hypotheses on which the studies have been based. This active learning helps to engage students in the course material and especially to see...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Algae, Fungi, & Higher Plant Life Cycles

The attached PowerPoint file contains images suitable for quizzes, tests, and student study aids of plant and fungi life cycles. The images are all drawn in the same format so that students can focus on the fundamental features of the life cycles and not be confused by irrelevant features. Each set of images begins with the complete, fully labeled life cycle. Next comes the same life cycle...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Simulation Games for Animal Behavior: Red Fish, Blue Fish; Exploring Sexual Selection and Color Polymorphism

This game is one of three submitted for use in an upper level course that focuses on animal behavior. The games are paired with a published article from the primary literature, and students should read and prepare to both discuss the article and explore the hypotheses on which the studies have been based. This active learning helps to engage students in the course material and especially to see...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource A quantitative investigations of plants expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) using a home-made camera attachment

In this laboratory exercise students use digital cameras to measure surface fluorescence of transgenic plants expressing green fluorescence protein (GFP). Inquiry pedagogy is used to teach processes used in scientific investigations and how GFP is used in reporter gene systems. Students start by making observations involving induction of expression of a GFP expressing reporter gene and then...


Publisher: EvoEd Digital Library
PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Quantifying behavior – learning observational protocols in the classroom

One of the challenges for teachers without a lab, is how to allow students to observe natural animal behavior directly. The freely available videos by the International Wolf Center are ideal for observation of naturalistic interactions, and last for long enough (5-15 minutes) to enable the practice of different observational techniques. This learning activity introduces novices to the...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library