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We welcome contributions to our growing number of resources for middle and high school audiences that align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

You will be able to share images, syllabi, labs, lectures, figures, videos, classroom activities and data sets in LifeDiscoveryEdDL. We're here to assist you to submit your resource.

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New Resources
View Resource A visit to the miniature forest Insights into the biology and evolution of Bryophytes in Northeastern Connecticut

The naturalist walking through the forests and wetlands of Northeastern Connecticut searches for the hidden flowers and listens to the songs of the birds. The mosses and liverworts that cover the trail bank, color the tree trunks in shades of green and form soft cushions or carpets on the boulders, typically pass unnoticed. Yet several hundred species of Bryophytes occur in our region, and...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

Thumbnail image of Brochure front
View Resource Phylogenetic Approach to Teaching Plant Diversity

This guided inquiry module provides an approach to teaching major groups of terrestrial plants and the methods used to construct and analyze phylogenies.


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of multiple invasive species in experimental aquatic communities

In this exercise, students first work in small groups to collect background information on what mosquitofish and bullfrogs consume and then modify a food web based on that knowledge. Students then develop hypotheses of how these two invasive species may affect native amphibian species, snails, and zooplankton. Following, students work individually to analyze experimental mesocosm data to determine...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Pulp Fiction? The Science of Papermaking

Using claymation, this video illustrates the process by which plant cells make cellulose microfibrils. Important for the structure and support of the plant, human culture has been forever changed by the development of paper made from these strands of cellulose.


Publisher: EconBotEd Digital Library

View Resource Comparisons of Mycorrhizal Properties from Two Host Tree Species

In this lab experiment, students learn about ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal properties associated with two host tree species to better under understand symbioses in general and gain experience using soil sampling and mycorrhizal field methods. Students will learn in more depth about terms and concepts related to symbioses (e.g. mutualisms, coevolution, host specificity) and about specific...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library