This activity is designed to show students how to perform an ANOVA using RStudio. To integrate the lesson plan with course content in an undergraduate ecology lecture course, students read an accessible scientific article (Chase & Knight 2003) that explores interaction between abiotic (climate and habitat permanence) and biotic (competition & predation) environmental conditions on the population...
This resource is a syllabus for a Field Botany course at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The course is offered during the summer of even-numbered years. The syllabus has been annotated to show how it addresses the four dimensions of the 4DEE framework.
This lesson focuses on basic principles and identification of wetlands, which are valuable and productive ecosystems in the landscape. It consists of two files that complement each other. This first is a Powerpoint presentation that provides basic principles about wetlands. The second is a set instructions for a laboratory in which students learn how to locate wetlands using online mapping,...