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(7 classifications) (62 resources)

Ecological Core Concepts -- Human impacts

Discipline Specific Core Concepts Classifications
Agriculture and resource harvesting (19)
Alteration of biogeochemical cycles (13)
Biodiversity loss (52)
Climate change (53)
Habitat destruction (28)
Human population growth and consumption (12)
Species introductions (8)

View Resource Redlining and Environmental Justice

In this lesson, we explore the inequity that exists in environmental health and nature because of changes we, humans, have made in our environment. Typically, people who have access to nature are generally healthier and have reduced incidences of respiratory illnesses (e.g., asthma), decreased blood pressure, and decreased chance of depression. Unfortunately, highly urbanized areas have higher...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Climate, Weather and Anthropogenic Activity

This module presents a science-based story to demonstrate how climate determines the global, long-term, large-scale distribution of living organisms; whereas, weather determines the local, short-term, small-scale ecology of living organisms. Life thrives within specific, often narrow ranges of temperature and precipitation – two main players in climate and weather. Using a systems-based approach,...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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