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Ecological Core Concepts -- Applied ecology -- Management

View Resource Issues in Ecology, Issue 15: Press Release

This January 2012 press release introduces and describes the significance of issue #15 of ESA's Issues in Ecology series, "Excess Nitrogen in the U.S. Environment: Trends, Risks, and Solutions."


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Issues in Ecology, Issue 14: Press Release

This November 2011 press release can be used as an accessible reading assignment to accompany and introduce a discussion of the ecological concepts included in issue #14 of ESA's Issues in Ecology series, "Using air pollution thresholds to protect and restore ecosystem health."


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Agapostemon sweat bee

As global food demand increases, farmers are increasingly relying on single, managed bee species (often honey bees) to pollinate their crops. However, honey bees are not the best pollinators for all crops, and honey bee colonies have recently been experiencing health problems, notably colony collapse disorder. Recent research has shown that promoting a diversity of wild insect pollinators – suc...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Issues in Ecology, Issue 16: The Role of Landscape Connectivity in Planning and Implementing Conservation and Restoration Priorities

Many conservation efforts focus on protecting and enhancing connectivity to offset the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity conservation, and to increase the resilience of reserve networks to potential threats associated with climate change. Identifying effective approaches for maintaining and restoring connectivity poses several challenges, and our understanding of how...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Issues in Ecology, Issue 18: Climate Change and U.S Natural Resources: Advancing the Nation's Capability to Adapt

Climate change is affecting land, water, and biodiversity in a variety of ways. While managing ecosystems and resources by relying on an expected set of climate conditions may have worked in the past, a growing number of managers understand the need to develop new ways to manage ecosystems in the face of climate change. The purpose of this Issue is to provide a broad perspective on approaches for...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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